Our Exam Checklist #MotivationMonday

Written by Jenny

Feel prepared and ready to go the next day. Night before your exam:

  1. Pack the night before! Make your exam checklist.
    • Here is an example of my exam checklist:
        • student ID/ID with a photo
        • pens, pencils, erasers, sharpener, highlighters, rulers
        • 2 bottles of water (remove the labels)
        • watch (not a smart watch)
        • 2 packs of tissues
        • layered comfortable clothing (some exam rooms are too hot and others are too cold)
        • light snacks or lollies to reward myself in a 3 hour exam
        • an approved calculator (if required)
        • allowed notes or textbook (for open book exams)
        • and anything else I think I will need for the particular exam
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Cancer Council Victoria’s 2020/21 Summer Vacation Studentship: Applications open 10th Aug!

Applications for Cancer Council Victoria’s 2020/21 Summer Vacation Studentships open at 9am on Monday 10 August 2020.

Studentships are offered to undergraduate students enrolled in relevant disciplines at any Victorian University.  Students are not eligible to apply after completing their final year, except for 3rd year science students who are proceeding to the fourth year of an honours degree.

Applicants need to source a studentship project that is part of a cancer research program being conducted at a Victorian university or research organisation. Clinical and allied health placements are also encouraged.

All information and application forms can be found on our website: http://www.cancervic.org.au/research/biomedical/research_sum_vacation_studentships

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Green Steps Sustainability Leadership Program – Apply Now!

Ready to take your knowledge of sustainability to the next level?

Develop your skills as an emerging sustainability leader and change agent with Green Steps. The Green Steps program is an award-winning sustainability leadership initiative run by Monash Sustainable Development Institute. Open to students across all faculties and disciplines, the program includes:

  • Five days of sustainability leadership training
  • A consultancy project
  • Access to a global network of over 1,300 sustainability leaders
There are 30 fully-funded scholarships available. No previous knowledge of sustainability is necessary. Applications close 1 July. To apply, visit: monash.edu/greensteps
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12 things I tell myself when I don’t want to study #MotivationMonday

Written by Jenny

Sometimes, studying can be overwhelming for me. I write down the things I want to achieve today and achieve this week and realised there was quite a bit to do since it’s week 12.

These are 12 things I tell myself when I feel a little demotivated and a little overwhelmed. These are my own things and they may not apply to you. I am sharing this in hope you can find some of it hopeful.

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Sleepy hygiene #MotivationMonday

Created by Dooder - Freepik.com

Restless nights, followed by tiring mornings and always feeling like you can never catch enough sleep?

Like how we have habits to keep our teeth clean and our studies done, we have habits that affect our sleep.

Sleep hygiene describes good sleep habits. Here are some advice to help you get a good night’s sleep from a student. Most of these are common sense but the hustle and bustle of the modern and uni life makes most of us neglect some of our common senses and self-care.

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English Connect

Free sessions for anyone who needs help with English!

Peer Support is a way to boost your written or spoken academic English one-on-one. It runs Week 3 – 13, Monday to Friday 11am – 3pm in Career Connect (Ground Floor, Campus Centre). No bookings required!

Let’s Chat is a fun way of learning spoken English. It covers conversation, including Australian slang and accents and is a great way to make friends. Register from July 11!

For information, check out the website at https://www.monash.edu/students/conversational-english/ or contact english.connect@monash.edu

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Study tips from a serial procrastinator….

Here are some more tips to get you studying hardersmarter.

1. Use a strange (but still legible) font for your study notes.

You will have to put more effort into reading them therefore you are less likely to skim and more likely to retain what you’ve read.

2. Teach what you have studied.

You are 50% more likely to remember something that you’ve said as opposed to have read. Take advantage of this by teaching a friend or family member who is new to the topic. You will soon realise what you don’t understand and questions they have can test your knowledge.

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