2017 Advance Global Australian Awards Mentoring Program


Exciting news: applications are currently open for the 2017 Advance Global Australian Awards Mentoring Program – a 12-month initiative that connects students with some of Australia’s most successful global industry leaders, affording them the invaluable opportunity to develop their professional clarity and gain industry-specific insights.

Advance is the preeminent global community of high achieving Australians and alumni abroad, with over 46,000 connections in 110 countries. Advance forges connections with the one million Australian diaspora, drawing on their experience and networks to open doors and opportunities for Australia, Australian companies and Australians around the globe.

The Mentoring Program is a facet of our annual Advance Global Australian Awards – an event that showcases Australia’s most innovative global individuals across 12 industries.

We would love to see students from Monash put their names forward for selection, and would be so appreciative if you helped spread the word to your networks – either via your online bulletin, career boards, thorough your social media accounts or website. All information about the 2017 Mentoring Program including links to apply can be found at:



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