Monash Leipzig Exchange – A Student’s Perspective

Written by Nathan Martens

Most of us at one point or another have had that awful encounter with a ‘friend’ who just returned from a euro trip, having ‘discovered themselves’ and feels the need to reference their travels every two seconds with a pesky anecdote or the classic , “You think this is cold?! You should have seen winter in Rome!”.

A few months ago, I would have dismissed these people the same as the rest of us, silently willing them to shut their traps for fear of internally exploding and letting a snide remark fly.

HOWEVER, I’ve recently had a change of heart thanks to the Monash-Leipzig exchange program. I’ve become ‘that guy’ and I’m not remotely mad about it.

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Tackling exam mind blanks with six simple tips

Written by Christina Nelson


It is that time of semester again … the mid-semester slump.

But there is good news as we are now past the halfway point!

You may have already had your mid-semester tests, or you have them to look *forward* to after the break. Regardless, we want to tackle those end-of-semester exams with confidence – and may all the late nights be worth it.

For many, exams are a headache and the thought of them makes you feel sick in your stomach.

Perhaps you have experienced the feeling where your mind freezes during an exam? Or where you just cannot recall why DNA is described as a double helix?

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Student Life Management – Time

Time Management

Aidan Matthews  @aidanjrmatthews

Time management is the essence of Life Management. It allows for the utilisation of time for the maximum productivity and the successful completion of tasks and goals. Developing techniques for your time as a student means you can have a social life, stay healthy, eat food, work a job and study a whole degree all at the same time. People have better time management skills than believed, but quite often struggle with the self-discipline and succumb to temptations.

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Vice-Chancellor’s Ancora Imparo Leadership Program

First Year Science Students!

You are invited to apply for the Vice Ancora Imparo Leadership Program 2019!
Build on your self-understanding, strengthen your confidence in your existing abilities, and foster an ethic of service to the community.

The program includes:
– A fully-funded, three-day, off-campus residential
– Eight evening seminars where students participate in exclusive leadership training and gain access to some of Australia’s most influential thinkers
– A stipend of $500.

So, what are you waiting for? Your leadership potential is waiting to be unlocked. Start building the world you’d like to see.

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Empowering You: University Students

This exciting opportunity supports women in STEM University students with their STEM studies and career ambitions through FREE workshops, masterclasses and panel discussions designed to empower women STEM students with the skills, networks and mind-set to develop and achieve their career goals within STEM industries.

Registrations for the July and October are open NOW!

Date: Thursday, 26 July 2018.
Time: 6.00pm – 8.30pm.
Venue: Clarendon Auditorium, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Clarendon Street.

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Welcome to Student Life Management


Week 1

Welcome to Student Life Management

Aidan Matthews 5. April 2018   @aidanjrmatthews

Life as a Student is incredible, challenging, enriching, stressful and so much more. Each year of your studies bringing an increase in pressure and challenge, the constant development of skills, methods and ideas allows for the continual development and achievement of goals. This series of articles produced in conjunction with the Scapegoat Science Newsletter aim to provide you with tools to develop skills in Student Life Management. With the ever-present threat of mid-semester exams, essays, reports, group presentations and quizzes, this series will offer quick snapshots to challenge your ideas, habits, and methods with the objective of developing your Student Life Management.

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Final Year Feels


Final year feels

by Christina Nelson

It is completely normal to feel a host of emotions whilst going through your final year. You might find yourself in a self-induced deadline crisis, whilst trying to maintain a semblance of normality so that your lab partner thinks ‘how on earth are they managing’ (even though a few minutes before class you were having a mini-meltdown in the bathroom). The thought of leaving university, and what comes next, starts to dawn on you.

I mean who wouldn’t miss those student discounts, longer summer breaks, skipping those early morning lectures to grab brunch with your mates (or just sleep-in), or having a good excuse for being unemployed?

And let’s be honest ….

This is what you feel like when someone asks you what you are doing next year:

So, enjoy your final year with your friends, and remember that final year is not forever. The study will end!

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