Quality Education

Student submission by Ayushi Patel

“Education is the fundamental right of every human being, yet it remains tragically elusive for around sixty million children worldwide(1). Even more alarming is the staggering figure of over 600 million children who attend school but are deprived of quality education(2). Projections from UNICEF and the UN paint a grim picture, with an estimated 84 million people expected to be out of school by 2030. This educational crisis not only perpetuates cycles of poverty but also constitutes a grave violation of basic human rights, fostering conditions ripe for increased crime, inequality, and societal unrest(3).

The challenges underlying this crisis are multifaceted and profound. Beyond mere deficiencies in school infrastructure, teaching resources, and equipment, systemic issues plague educational systems globally. In regions like sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Asia, political turmoil and pervasive gender discrimination often force the closure of schools, depriving countless children of their right to learn. Even in cases where schools remain operational, government-run institutions frequently suffer from
inadequate infrastructure and a shortage of qualified educators. Moreover, many teachers, burdened by their financial struggles and uncertain career prospects, may lack the motivation to provide effective instruction.

The goal for the future is to ensure universal access to quality education by 2030. This requires empowering parents and communities through education seminars and outreach programs, enabling them to support their children’s learning and monitor their progress. Addressing economic factors is crucial to prevent children from working instead of attending school. By fostering collaboration among parents, communities, and policymakers, we can create a brighter, more equitable future
where every child has the opportunity to succeed through education.

School curriculum should undergo a redesign to incorporate subjects beyond traditional academics. While textbooks provide theoretical knowledge, they may not necessarily equip students with practical skills essential for their future livelihoods. Introducing interest-based subjects such as carpentry, painting, art, music, and other vocational skills alongside core academic subjects can better prepare students for diverse career paths and foster a more holistic approach to education. Communication, etiquette, professionalism, and most importantly working on their face values and learning to portray their skills more effectively should be improvised in the syllabus(4). All this will assure them a better future and keep their horizons for opportunities wide.

Furthermore, initiatives such as providing mid-day meals can serve as incentives to encourage children to attend school regularly. Additionally, centralizing the authority of school management under the purview of the central government rather than local authorities can ensure smoother operations and shield schools from the influence of local politics, thereby fostering a more conducive learning environment.

The children in schools today represent the future of our world. It’s imperative to cultivate a generation capable of devising sustainable solutions for the challenges that will arise from technological advancements and increased production. As technology evolves, new problems will emerge, necessitating innovative thinking and capable individuals to address them effectively. Therefore, investing in the education and development of our youth is essential for ensuring a brighter and more
sustainable future.

1. Roser M. Access to basic education: Almost 60 million children in primary school age are not in school [Internet]. Our World in Data. 2021. Available from: https://ourworldindata.org/children-not-in-school

2.Education | UNICEF [Internet]. www.unicef.org. Available from: https://www.unicef.org/education#:~:text=Every%20child%20has%20the%20right%20to%20learn.&text=Yet%2C%20for%20too%20many%20children

3.Thangeda A, Baratiseng B, Thatoyamodimomompati. Education for Sustainability: Quality Education Is A Necessity in Modern Day. How Far do the Educational Institutions Facilitate Quality Education? Journal of Education and Practice [Internet]. 2016;7(2). Available from: https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1089752.pdf

4.Sustainability [Internet]. www.mdpi.com. Available from: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/topical_collections/qual_educ_good_learn_environ

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