R U OK? Yellow Morning Tea for Science students and staff

R U OK? Yellow Morning Tea for Science students and staff


11:00 am - 12:00 pm


Science Student Learning Lounge
14 Rainforest Walk, Clayton
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All Science staff and students are invited to attend a morning tea for R U OK day being held in the science Student Learning Lounge.

Come along to enjoy some fun activities, share and receive some stress-less advice, and encourage positive discussions about mental health and well-being.  All sorts of yellow foods and beverages provided. We’ll also be hosting a postcard decoration and conversation corner where you can share your stress management and mental health tips, or thank someone who has reached out to you.

R U OK day is a national movement intended to empower people to meaningfully connect with people around them and support anyone struggling with life.

See all the other Monash R U OK? Day events: http://www.monash.edu/ruokday

Keep up to date with great posts at the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/283760628666730

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