Dr. Keenan’s Guide to Dealing with Depression

Depression & Addiction:
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), approximately one in five Americans suffering with a mood disorder like depression is also battling with alcohol addiction or some other type of chronic substance abuse.

Conversely, about 20 percent of all individuals addicted to alcohol or drugs also experience some level of depression, anxiety, or other mood-related disorder.

On their own, these issues can feel absolutely debilitating and dramatically lower your quality of life. But when they’re combined, the consequences can actually be fatal.

What is it about these two issues that makes them happen in unison? Dr. Keenan and Dr. Cohen explore the answers to that question and more in the article: https://www.inpatientdrugrehab.org/depression/


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Why PHA3990 is the choice for you

By James

Tired of waking up for those 8 am lectures? Stressed out by the prospect of exams? Looking to contribute some new knowledge to the scientific community? If one or more of these apply to you, and you’ve completed the prerequisites listed here, then PHA3990 is for you!

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Bioinformatics with Professor Ross Coppel

By Carl Wang, Science student

As a student interested in the medical sciences I am always torn between medicine and research. Some days I gather the resolve to push the boundaries of human knowledge, whilst other days I endeavour to ease the burden of suffering one patient at a time.

In my conflict, I decided to talk to someone who has been through both. Enter Professor Ross Coppel, a man who, starting with an MBBS, has branched out into fields such as microbiology, bioinformatics, and molecular biology. He is currently the Deputy Dean and Director of Research in the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing, and Health Sciences.

Ross’s qualifications and accolades are as varied and plentiful as the man’s interests in the fields that make up biomedical research, and an expanded biography may be found at http://www.med.monash.edu.au/microbiology/staff/coppel.html

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By Jesse Givens-Lamb


Not a word that I would ever anticipated myself ever really getting involved with.

Well, to be honest I used to be interested in medical research but then realised I wasn’t as passionate about the medical field as I thought I was … and after only a brief period of time I understood (to some degree) what “actual” research meant.

Research was not for me.

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Liquid water flows on Mars….somewhat intermittently.

Evidence has been found recently, via NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), indicating the presence of liquid water on Mars.

Dark, long streaks found on Mars’ surface (referred to as recurring slope lineae) have been an area of inquiry since 2010. Since they appear to ebb and flow with time and are present only in the warmer season, scientists have often thought that these downhill flows could be related to liquid water.

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From Trash To Diamonds

Rahad R., Chemistry Honours student

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a rubbish collector. It seemed like a cool job at that age, driving those magnificent trucks with their mechanical arms that can pick up anything. I remember my neighbours teasing me about it all the time.


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