Let’s Study for Exams Together #MotivationMonday

Written by Jenny

It’s the last week of formal classes for the year! Congratulations on making it this far with us! Your commitment and hard work in your studies should be commended.

With only one last push before the home run for the year, we want to make sure that you have the support and tools you need to prepare for your exams because we believe in you. 

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Student Life Management – Time

Time Management

Aidan Matthews  @aidanjrmatthews

Time management is the essence of Life Management. It allows for the utilisation of time for the maximum productivity and the successful completion of tasks and goals. Developing techniques for your time as a student means you can have a social life, stay healthy, eat food, work a job and study a whole degree all at the same time. People have better time management skills than believed, but quite often struggle with the self-discipline and succumb to temptations.

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Welcome to Student Life Management


Week 1

Welcome to Student Life Management

Aidan Matthews 5. April 2018   @aidanjrmatthews

Life as a Student is incredible, challenging, enriching, stressful and so much more. Each year of your studies bringing an increase in pressure and challenge, the constant development of skills, methods and ideas allows for the continual development and achievement of goals. This series of articles produced in conjunction with the Scapegoat Science Newsletter aim to provide you with tools to develop skills in Student Life Management. With the ever-present threat of mid-semester exams, essays, reports, group presentations and quizzes, this series will offer quick snapshots to challenge your ideas, habits, and methods with the objective of developing your Student Life Management.

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Sleepy hygiene #MotivationMonday

Created by Dooder - Freepik.com

Restless nights, followed by tiring mornings and always feeling like you can never catch enough sleep?

Like how we have habits to keep our teeth clean and our studies done, we have habits that affect our sleep.

Sleep hygiene describes good sleep habits. Here are some advice to help you get a good night’s sleep from a student. Most of these are common sense but the hustle and bustle of the modern and uni life makes most of us neglect some of our common senses and self-care.

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‘Career Goat’ – Careers Month

Hi All,

I would like to extend a warm welcome to all our new and returning students. I hope that you are starting to settle in and get into the swing of uni life.

As the Careers Education Consultant (Science) I would like to draw your attention to all the workshops and seminars that are available to help you on your career journey.

This month is ‘Careers Month’.

This is a month of career events, seminars, workshops, panels, forums and more!

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