Time lapse videos for your viewing pleasure.

Need a guilt free study break?? Feast your scientist eyes on these remarkable time lapse videos brought to you by Patel Lab.

Below is a video recording the development of frog eggs but other videos on the site include those documentingDrosophila development (genetics students will be familar with this model organism) as well as the water basedParhyale.

Published by Nipam H. Patel


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What actually happens when a jellyfish stings you?

We all know that jellyfish are venomous and that they sting you if you are unfortunate enough to get too close but what is actually happening?

Australian scientists at James Cook University in Cairns have captured the microscopic response of nematocysts (the organelle responsible for injecting you with venom) belonging to a sea anemone. On average it took 11 milliseconds before these microscopic needles deployed and therefore needed to be watched in slow motion (see GIF below).


For the full length video, brought to you by youtuber SmaterEveryDay click here.

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Career Goat: Should I start thinking about my career?

Hi Lisa! I’m in my 5th year of a 4 year double degree, my grades are pretty average, and right now I’m just focused on getting through. Should I be thinking about my career now, and what should I be doing? Sincerely, Tim

Dear Tim,

Thank you so much for your question. It is really important to start thinking about your career now. It doesn’t need to be arduous task. I have a 15/5 rule so 15 minutes a day 5 days a week. There is a career model (SODI) that can be used as a tool to start with the 15/5.

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Career Goat: I’ve got no relevant experience!?

Question 1: What should I do if I don’t have relevant experience in the field I am interested in? Especially if I’ve missed out on lots of volunteering opportunities?

Dear ScapeGoat Subscriber,

Thank you for your question above.  As a careers consultant I have worked with many students, graduates and career changes who feel that they don’t have the relevant experience for the jobs they are interested in. However it is important not to feel discouraged by this fact. There a number of strategies that you can undertake to help you to overcome this problem.

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From Trash To Diamonds

Rahad R., Chemistry Honours student

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a rubbish collector. It seemed like a cool job at that age, driving those magnificent trucks with their mechanical arms that can pick up anything. I remember my neighbours teasing me about it all the time.


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