Career Conversations

‘Career Goat’

Hi All,

I hope that your studies are going well and you are enjoying life at Uni.

As a student it is never too early to start to think about your career and life beyond university.

If you haven’t given much thought to your career then now might be a good time to start.

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Sleepy hygiene #MotivationMonday

Created by Dooder -

Restless nights, followed by tiring mornings and always feeling like you can never catch enough sleep?

Like how we have habits to keep our teeth clean and our studies done, we have habits that affect our sleep.

Sleep hygiene describes good sleep habits. Here are some advice to help you get a good night’s sleep from a student. Most of these are common sense but the hustle and bustle of the modern and uni life makes most of us neglect some of our common senses and self-care.

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Monash VR Science Precinct Tour

Got friends who are interested in studying science at Monash?

Take them on a 360 degree VR tour of the amazing environment that is the Monash Science Precinct, from wherever they are.

The Science Precinct consists of 5 different areas; Maths, Chemistry, Biological & Environmental Sciences and our dedicated STEM library, the Hargrave Andrew Library.


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iPAD mini giveaway Winner!

Congratulations to the winner of the

iPAD MINI GIVEAWAY for new 2017 subscribers!


The prize was an Apple iPad mini 2.

Our randomly selected winner is Emma G. 

Emma – we have sent you an email so check your Monash student email inbox.


Thanks to everyone who participated!

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Science-y web comics

Ah it’s week 5 of semester: assignments, quizzes, mid-semester tests looming on the horizon. On one hand, we can strap down and get cracking. On the other hand, we can totally spend a few hours browsing our favourite sciencey, nerdy, geeky web-comics to lighten our spirits.

Yeah, I like that second option.

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IPAD MINI GIVEAWAY for new 2017 subscribers!

Love your science friends & love us?

The Scapegoat is a student-run publication to help new and current students make the most of science at Monash by delivering relevant and reliable information about the latest events and opportunities on campus as well as fun science stories and all manner of student submitted content. We take the form of a weekly e-newsletter as well as keep a blog.

We’re having a iPad Mini 2 Giveaway for our new subscribers (those who subscribed from 1 January 2017). Let your science friends know!

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